Wisnu Subagyo – 2011 Scholar

Wisnu earned a Master’s degree in Educational Management from Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana in Salatiga, Central Java. He is a principal at Eben Haezer Christian Elementary School in Salatiga. Wisnu is one of ILF’s first scholarship recipients. We started to sponsor him in 2011. Toward the end of his study, Wisnu was diagnosed with a disease that would require him to take a time off of school and do a series of surgery and therapy. Despite his health condition, Wisnu was able to defend his thesis and graduated in the spring of 2014.

Endah Kristiningrum – 2011 Scholar

Ms. Endah Kristiningrum is a staff member of Perkantas, branch of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in Indonesia. In 2008 she moved to Papua and lived there for about two years to teach. Then with two friends, Ms. Kristiningrum started a learning center for underprivileged children. She is pursuing a Master’s degree in early childhood education at Universitas Negeri Jakarta.

“…Bersyukur untuk pengetahuan dan pengalaman 1 tahun belajar di UNJ, banyak hal baru yang dibukakan dan banyak pengalaman dari rekan-rekan yang berasal dari daerah-daerah yang membantu saya berpikir lebih dalam, akan kondisi pendidikan anak di Indonesia. Dan bersyukur untuk satu buku yang telah kami hasilkan. Terimakasih untuk ILF yang membuka jalan pertama sehingga saya termotivasi untuk melangkah melanjutkan study…”